Contact Us
Potential new patients can get started with a short (5-10 minute) phone interview. The fastest way to get that scheduled is to text (623) 755-7700 with your:
Name, Email, & Phone Number
Times to get a hold of you
If you don’t text, that’s okay! Just give us a call or fill out the form below. If you call and don’t catch us, please be sure to leave a message with your contact details.
Contact Us Today
> Schedule Today (623) 755-7700
In-person appointments available
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday & Sunday
(By Appointment Only)
10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Virtual appointments available upon request.
(623) 755-7700
(623) 201-7969
Elixir Alternative Medicine Clinic Location
9210 W Peoria Ave, Suite #4 Peoria, AZ 85345