Constitutional Hydrotherapy
The sine wave machine provides gentle, pulsed stimulation that is adjustable in intensity.
What is Constitutional Hydrotherapy?
Constitutional Hydrotherapy is a flexible clinical system of treatment that combines alternating hot and cold towel application to the torso and back with gentle electrical sine wave stimulation that acts as a gentle massage. The treatment results in an improvement of blood circulation, which is then harnessed and directed towards vital organs in the treatment of disease. Constitutional hydrotherapy is a powerful, well-established, and non-invasive way to support the body’s natural healing process.
Constitutional hydrotherapy treatments are widely taught, applied, and researched because a large number of clinicians observe reliable medical benefits. An hour long treatment can balance the autonomic nervous system, calm muscular tension to promote pain relief, sooth mental tensions such as anxiety and depression, and substantially fortify the body’s immune system by invigorating dormant lymphatic tissue throughout the body. The doctor works to tailor the treatment to the patients conditions, for example, in the case of osteoarthritis of the knee, a standard modification includes the addition of a brief period of low voltage alternating current to the affected area.
How can the Immune System Benefit from Hydrotherapy?
Regular cold showers have been shown to dramatically improve immune function, over a period of months. German research showed that daily cold showers resulted in progressively more efficient immune system function. Medical students were divided into two groups. For 6 months, one group took graduated cold showers, ending a hot shower with a cold shower for up to 2 minutes. The other group took a warm or hot shower.
After 6 months the cold shower group displayed half the number of colds as the warm shower group. The cold shower group had colds that lasted approximately half as long as those of the warm shower group. The various protective benefits did not become apparent until 3 months of regular cold showering.
How Often should I do Constitutional Hydrotherapy?
Sessions typically last 60 to 70 minutes and are scheduled depending on the needs of the patient. Treatments are usually scheduled one to two times a month for chronic conditions such as autoimmune diseases, inflammation, and pain, and up to 8 times a month (twice a week) for acute conditions such as pneumonia and viral/bacterial infections.
Lectures in Naturopathic Hydrotherapy by Wade Boyle, N.D. and Andre Saine, N. D. c. 1988.
Hydrotherapy. Physiotherapy by Edzard Ernst, N. D. 1990
Constitutional Hydrotherapy: A Workbook of Clinical Lessons by Eric Blake, N.D. c. 2006.
Constitutional hydrotherapy treatments can improve health issues such as:
Alleviate a wide range of immune system dysfunctions such as cancer, Lyme disease, autoimmune disease (Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, type 1 diabetes), acute and recurring infections, and environmental hypersensitivity. Research has shown significant post-treatment increase in white blood cell circulation responsible for fighting off infections!
Beneficial for varicose veins, hemorrhoids, cardiovascular disease, and circulation dysfunctions such as high and low blood pressure (hypertension and hypotension). Gentle electrical stimulation is used to vitalize the cardiovascular system and decrease arterial pressure.
Stimulates the liver, gallbladder, and kidneys which are at the center of the excretory system, responsible for discharging waste and toxins.
Research at Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine has demonstrated that after one session, patient tests show decreased body fat and cholesterol (triglycerides, high-density and low density lipoproteins).
Gentle sine wave stimulation balances the nervous system and allows the mood to stabilize. Constitutional hydrotherapy is a powerful pain reliever and mood enhancer, with the ability to calm anxiety and depression in patients.
The standard constitutional hydrotherapy treatment is designed to tonify digestion, improve intestinal flora balance and allow the digestive system to gently regain its vitality. Modifications of the treatment allow for a flexible application to a large variety of clinical conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBS/SIBO), abdominal and menstrual cramps, indigestion, constipation, and diarrhea.
The patient is covered in sheets and blankets while relaxing on a massage table as hot and cold towels are applied.